previousnextDEODORANT24-HOUR DEODORANT DRY TOUCHType(s) of product:DeodorantDeodorantNeed(s):Deodorant0 commentsAdd a comment24-hour dry-touch roll-on deodorant, free from aluminium salts.For women looking for an effective deodorant that is suitable for all skin types, even sensitive. BuyConfirmation TitleConfirmation CTAAdd a comment24-HOUR DEODORANT DRY TOUCH1 - Rate this product2 - Rate this criteriaFragranceTextureToleranceEffectiveness3 - Would you recommend this product to a friend?YesNo4 - Have you received a sample of this product?YesNo5 - Leave a comment 6 - Do you have a tutorial posted on Youtube?Review PolicyValidateThank youCloseLoading...menuWhat are the active ingredients of the formula?HOW THE PRODUCT IS FORMULATED?What they think of itYour routine
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